Jayasudha is a very famous South Indian actress who has mostly acted in Telugu movies. This actress is now an MLA for the Congress in Secunderabad. PERSONAL Jayasudha was born on December 17th 1958 at Madras, Tamil Nadu to a Telugu family. She was named as Sujatha. The famous actress and director Vijaya Nirmala is her aunt. Her sister Subhashini is also an actress, seen mostly in supporting roles. She married Dr.Rajendra Prasad of Vijayawada. Their marriage ended up in a divorce after a few years. Jayasudha is now married to actor Jeetendra's cousin Nitin Kapoor. They have two children, Nihar and Sreyanth. Actress Jayaprada, Radhika and Revathi are her friends. PROFESSIONAL Jayasudha's first movie was in Telugu called Panduntikaapuram where she acted as a 12 year old girl and her next movie Arangettram (Tamil) was a big hit. Her debut as the main lead was in Lakshmana Rekha (1975) which brought her to the limelight and she was offered good roles. Jyothi was the movie which actually made her a big star and gained her a lot of popularity. Her film Jayasudha (1982) was also a good one. Jayasudha, was always seen doing a variety of roles like a wife's role in Idi Katha Kaadu, the role of a small cute girl in Nomu, a showy role in Yugandhar (1979) and as a prostitute in Premabhishekam (1981). She has acted in more than 200 Telugu movies even though she does not know the language. |